April 21, 2005

Fake! (Sofia & I)

Hypocrisy and blindness it's all i see in you,
you want respect from everything and everyone, but this is all you can't show!
You cover up your lies, you betray yourself and others!
Is that what you call respect?
Is that what you'd like us to do to you?

You show me you'll be there for me,
you smile at me giving me the impression that it's all real...
You try to be someone you wont ever be...A friend?

Maybe it was my mistake beliving in you,
maybe i was wrong in not knowing it was all a lie....
But i guess i'll learn with it!

You! You're the one that fucked up in this whole story,
'cause i belived in your feeling and you knew it wasn't real!
But now I learned, now i know...
that things that you show are based in lies and fakness!

So i tell you, fuck you, go fuck yourself, i don't need your friendship,
'cause in the end it's not friendship, is just a fucking lie!

Hypocrisy and blindness,
lies and fakness,
is that what you show?
is that what you want?

Give yourself a break and fucking grow up!
I learnt with my mistake,
how about you?

April 19, 2005

ah i tal nao

im a fool,
i remain the same.

i do things u dont like,
i wont stop doing them.

i fuck up,
thats life...
Best part in that is not fucking up twice with the same thing.

Im me, nothing but me!
If u dont like me as i am, wat do you expect me to do?
Change for you? Pretend i can be som1 else?
I cant fuckin do it, just like u cant fuckin get along with me.
Not much we can do!
Not much i can do!


Aprende a admitir quando cometes um erro,
Sentes te mal pelo-o ter feito?
Pior te deverias sentir pelo simples facto de nao fazers o esforço p aprender com ele!

Aprende a ultrapassar os piores momentos e desilusões,
Sentes-te mal por ters q passar porisso?
Pior te deverias sentir por te achars fraca demais para conseguir ultrapassá-la!

Aprende a seres tu e mais ninguem,
Sentes te mal se ha pessoas que nao gostam da tua maneira de ser?
Pior te deverias sentir por dars mais importancia áquilo que eles pensam de ti do que o tu gostars d ti como és.

Se nao for desta, será da proxima,
mas nao te deixes ir!
Aprende, e aprende a gostar disto tudo como é,
e nao como eles fazem parecer que seja!

April 12, 2005

there's always the good side

The less you expect
The more you'll be pleased.

Why do you think that even when im crying i feel happy?